Fifth job: Pharmaceutical company

Fifth job: Pharmaceutical company

Through my company, I was introduced to another company which then introduced me to Pharmaceutical company to work there as a dispatch employee. The workload in the new environment was so much less, and I had so much time. This I hadn’t experienced in past 2 years. I used to return home at 17:30 which was the leaving time in this company. It felt like I was leaving in the noon and didn’t know what to do after returning home. In the beginning I used to feel distressed and vulnerable because of this imbalance.

The workload was so much less that in the first 3 months I did only 2 hours work a day and stayed idle for rest of the day. Since there was so less work, I felt like I would be fired since the company could do well without me also. So, I was preparing myself to receive some extra licenses related to engineering. But due to language barrier and lack of guidance, getting license seemed not possible. I had one skill that the people in Pharmaceutical company didn’t have. The skill was programming and this I had accumulated in the last 2 years. With this skill I automated almost all the manual tasks that I came in touch to. The manual task was boring, had to do based on the decided manual and consumed a lot of time. The employer was impressed and they continued extending my contract. I was going to Pharmaceutical company via another company and my own company after that (means 3 companies). The pharmaceutical company paid quite an amount to another company which after cutting their expenses paid the remaining to my company. The money which I received in the end was like one out of fifth portion. Since the salary was low, I decided to change my company to the middle company which had introduced me to Pharmaceutical company. Usually this is not allowed but somehow I managed to do this. The manager of this company seemed promising which was also the decision for my job change. The salary got raised like I had anticipated. By this time, I had money to spend and leisure time. What else would anyone ask for?

Sixth Job >